Kroger, Troy Missouri

The Troy Kroger will double all coupons up to $0.50 at the register. They do not price match nor do they round up prices and Kroger limits you to 2 like coupons per transaction. This makes it hard to stock up at Kroger unless you do multible transactions. Kroger does use a Store card, The Kroger Plus card. If you shop at Kroger do not go with out getting a card, they will give you one at the customer service counter and it can be used on the same trip. The Kroger card will also carry coupons that are up loaded from a few coupon sites such as Cell fire, Shortcuts and PGesaver not to mention the site if you prefer. I currently have a active cellfire link up on this page and will be adding links to the others soon so you can load your card as you look through the match up.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Kroger 9/22 to 9/28 (all prices with card)

Pepsi Products Buy 3/$9.00  and get 2 bags of Fritos or Cheez-its  6.75 to 11.13 oz


General Mills Cereal   $1.77 

8/16  ss  $1.00/2

9/13  gm   $1.00/3

cost  varies

Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks  $1.77

Ip coupon  $0.40/1    2x, 

Ip coupon  $0.50/2    2x,

8/09  gm   $0.40/1  2x

9/08  gm   $0.50/2   2x

cost  $0.97

Land O Frost Lunchmeat    $2.99

8/09  rp  $0.55/1

6/28  rp   $1.00/1    Bristo  (worked at Wal-Mart)

cost   $1.99

Johnsonville Brats or Italian Sausage  $3.49

9/13  ss2   $1.00/2

cost  2/$5.98

Bob Evan’s  Sausage Links or Patties  $1.99

8/23  ss  $0.25/1    2x

cost  $1.49

Eckrich  Smoked Sausage or Kielbasa  $2.27

8/30  ss  $1.00/2

cost  2/$3.54

Kashi  TLC  Granola Bars   $2.99

Ip coupon   $1.00/2

cost  2/$4.98

Ensure  6 packs    $6.99

9/13  ss1   $1.00/1

cost  $5.99

Cosmetics    any variety   25% off

Suave Naturals,  Professionals Shampoo or Conditioner  $1.28

Ip coupon  $1.00/2   (Spanish)

8/02  rp  $0.50/2

cost  2/$1.56

Pop Tarts    $1.98

8/30  rp   $2.00/2

9/13  rp2  $0.55/1

8/02 k   $1.00/2

cost  2/$1.96


Kleenex  2/$3.00

8/02  ss2  $0.50/3     2x

cost  3/$3.50

Charmin  4 roll    $1.88

8/30  pg  $0.25/1  2x

cost  $1.38

Colgate Tooth paste,  Brush or 2ct Wisp  $0.94

9/13  ss1   $1.00/1     toothpaste

9/20 ss    $1.00/1   toothpaste

you may have the $3.00/2  wyb a toothpaste and tooth brush coupon which was out a few weeks ago.

cost   $0.06   overage

Dial  Body Wash or Soap   $2.99

8/16  ss  $0.35/1   bar soap

8/16 ss   $1.00/2    body wash


cost varies

Johnson’s Baby care   $2.87

9/13  rp   $1.00/1

cost   $1.87

Mega Saver Event, buy 10 products get $5.00 off

prices are with Mega Discount

Kraft Cheese, slice, block or shredded    $1.49

Stouffers Lean Cuisine   $1.49

9/13  rp1   $1.00/3

cost  3/$3.47

DiGiorno or California Pizza Kitchen Pizza   $3.97

Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese  $0.99

Edy’s  select varieties   $2.49

Nestle  Toll House Morsels   $1.99

9/13  $0.50/1  2x

cost   $0.99

Lean Pockets or Hot Pockets   $1.49

8/23  rp   $1.00/3

9/13  rp1   $0.50/1    select varieties  x2

cost  3/$3.37

Maxwell House Coffee  33-34.5 oz    $4.49

Kraft Easy Mac or Macaroni & Cheese   $0.50

Ice Mountain Water    $2.99

Ritz Crackers   $1.99

Free Ritz Crackerfuls wyb Ritz

cost  both for $1.99

Kraft Salad Dressing   $1.49

Oreo Cookies   $2.24

8/23 ss  $0.75/2

cost  2/$3.73

Kraft Deluxe or Shells and Cheese   $0.99

Juicy Juice     $1.99

8/09  rp   $0.50/2    2x

cost  2/$2.98

Oscar Mayer Shaved Deli Meat   $2.49

Oscar Mayer Lunchables   $1.99

8/23  ss   $1.00/1   w/water

cost  $0.99

Oscar Mayer  Lunchmeats   $1.49

Oscar Mayer meat or turkey Franks   $1.49

8/23 ss  $1.00/2

cost  2/$1.98

Oscar Mayer  Bacon  $2.49

8/30  ss   $1.50/2

cost   2/$3.48

Butterfinger, Baby Ruth or Nestle Crunch fun size   $2.00

Laffy Taffy, Nerds or Mix up Candy  $1.50

Boost Nutritional Energy Drink   $6.49


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